Disclaimer: The last couple months have been hectic...Along with traveling, I've just moved recently and it may take a sec to get settled and get the new base of operations up and running. Apologies for not keeping up with correspondence, I'll do my best to catch up.
Here are some shots from the installation I did for the Public Provocations show at the Carhartt Gallery during ArtBasel on the Swiss/German border. The center piece is titled "Portrait of a Dying Cockroach". I tried to paint this in the most graceful, beautiful way I could. It's based on some photos I took of an unnoticed roach on the spotless floor of the Margulies collection in Miami. This was from when Retna and myself painted a mural on the side of their building during the Miami ArtBasel a couple years ago. Something about painting that there during the Swiss ArtBasel seemed appropriate. While I was there someone told me they don't have roaches in Switzerland, but I don't believe this.