February 15, 2016

"El Regalo Mágico" : new mural in NYC with Cero Design

This is a mural I created last year in New York City with my friends Celso González and Roberto Biaggi from CERO Design out of Puerto Rico. The title of the mural, "El Regalo Mágico/The Magic Gift", refers to the gift of inspiration. The figure is based on my photos of respected Nuyorican author Nicholasa Mohr, who lives nearby, and is known for being one of the first widely published Latina authors in the United States.
Cero's part, the geometric infinity pattern that forms a halo around the figure, is composed entirely of tile mosaic. When the creation of so much public art now is streamlined for quantity over quality, it's encouraging to see the time and dedication that goes into their work.
It was a pleasure to work with such talented people, and join forces with an intent to create something that can hopefully offer some inspiration, pride and empowerment.
The mural is located in "El Barrio", East Harlem, on the side of a large elementary school at 111th Street and Lexington Avenue. It faces the First Spanish Methodist Church that once served as the headquarters for the Puerto Rican youth organization the Young Lords.
The mural was created as part of a public arts project called MonumentArt, curated by Celso Gonzalez and presented by la Marqueta Retoña initiative, with the support of city council speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito.

Many thanks to Nicholasa, Celso and Roberto of CERO Design, Melissa, Calma, Jose, 2Alas, Billy and anyone else that supported.
Special thanks also to Eric Heights for his assistance and documentation of this mural. Further thanks to David Joseph Perez (1st + 7th photos), Martha Cooper (3rd photo), Parlour Productions, and Daniel Weintraub (8th + 9th photos) for additional documentation.

Short video by Eric Heights:

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