October 22, 2013

EL MAC x PRADA : "In the heart of the multitude"

So I'm a little late posting this due to some ongoing health problems, but here are some process and finished shots of some murals I painted last month for PRADA at their headquarters in Milan. The murals were created as part of a project titled "In the Heart of the Multitude", which was the environment for the Spring/Summer '14 Prada Women's fashion show. I painted three different women in the space, guided by themes of beauty, femininity, and power. One of my biggest inspirations for this was the work of Alphonse Mucha, who mastered the rendering of women and beauty like no other. A single hand drawn by Mucha could convey as much expression as a face, and his signature hair patterns influenced the world of decorative arts. I'd like to hope that a bit of this spirit, and his view of beauty as being something potentially sacred (as opposed to frivolous) might have shown through in my work. I titled these pieces "Sueños y Polvo de Estrellas"(Dreams and Stardust).
It was an honor to be involved in such a prestigious project. My thanks to 2x4, Mrs.Prada, Michele, Nadia, Giacomo, and everyone else at Prada who helped make this happen. Thanks to mi amor Kim for  being there and helping throughout my sickness. Thanks also to Melody, Carol, and Erica for modeling.
More details HERE.


  1. Astounding images. Those who done this artistic work should be appreciated. Thanks for sharing.

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  2. Really good job :)


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