These are pictures of a mural I painted with my good friend Kofie in Santa Fe, New Mexico at the Tesuque Village Market. This mural was painted as part of "The Hour Has Arrived" during the Santa Fe Indian Market. The portrait is based on a photo I took earlier in the week of Rose Fragua, of Jemez Pueblo.
Thanks to Kofie, Jaque Fragua, N8VPA, all the good folks at the Tesuque Village Market, Rose B. Simpson, Henry Chalfant(who took the second photo from the top, and is THE Henry Chalfant of Subway Art), Yatika Fields, Gavin, Zane, Sug, TNR crew..and everyone else that helped in some way.. special thanks to El Ice Plant of Santa Fe which hooked up some shirts and has the most amazing logo of a Zapatista Penguin ever..