August 19, 2009

"Faces of Life" solo show in San Francisco - PHOTOS & thanks

So here are some process shots + photos of some of the spraypaint pieces in my show at Fifty24SF Gallery in SF this month. The opening was a lot of fun... A huge THANK YOU to all the people that came out to the show! Thanks as well to Matt, Lynzy and all the other fine folks at Upper Playground that helped make it a success!
Also, thanks to everyone that bought one of the "Song of Songs" prints that weekend, and sorry if you wanted one but missed out. 


  1. Amazing! Wish I could of been there!

  2. Loved getting out to see your show in SF. Thanks for that and the post.

  3. Truly inspiring work man. Hopefully ill get to see one in person one day.

  4. I always been a fan of your work. dang super inspirational. keep up the good work coming.
