Damn!....I saw the new issue of Juxtapoz (#103) and was blown away to see one of my paintings used as the cover of the subscriber edition!....and inside there's a 14 page interview with me by David Choe, who tries to get me in trouble....along with a portrait photo at the beginning taken by Estevan Oriol...
After years of reading Juxtapoz, and never actually being in Juxtapoz...here I am... on the cover of Juxtapoz. Not sure how that happened but I feel really honored! Aside from all that it looks like a great issue with some other great art in it...
I'm just posting the cover and the first spread of the interview here for now...maybe more later when I have time.... and you can also get a copy at Juxtapoz.com
Man, you beat me to it. I just saw this issue in the store and wanted to congratulate you and here's the post. Congratulations to you and big ups to Jux for finally having a full on article covering you. It's way past due in my book.
My only gripe with the magazine is that they didn't use your painting as the cover, but it looks like they saved you for the subscribers which is fine for me. I'll be looking for my copy on the post.
Again, congratulations. Your work is inspiring and I'm glad you're getting the recognition.
Mac. Congrats on the success. Happy to see you on the cover.
damn son doing it , big dame.
me gusta mucho sus pinturas...
congratulations in Jux...
nice skechs!
do you like Moebius?
Your work is amazing. Much inspiration.
Thanks a lot for the good words ...I really appreciate it!
y Titifreak- si, Moebius me ha inspirado mucho!!
You are a beast and props to Juxta for featuring you. I never buy that mag but they have been stepping it up with some new juice lately...Augor & MQ come to mind...I will fork over the $$ for your issue that's true. Congratulations on the coverage, you totally deserve recognition. One of your trucks here in SF works my street daily. Keep pushing the limits.
congrats! and well deserved at that!
Where can I buy a print of Persephone ?
I've been meaning to comment on your article in the Juxtapoz mag for a month or so now...
You made a comment in the article that I just can't get out of my thoughts every day.
"I think the more good public art a city has, especially in the poorer areas, can help emphasize that there's more to life than just getting by."
I live in Echo Park (L.A), an area whose walls, stores and landmarks are vividly illustrated.
Your work has added cultural significance to cities like mine. As time passes, given the murals remain, they will become the city and the people that live there.
damn, congrats!!!!!
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