April 8, 2009

"The Knight"- New mural with Retna in LA

These are some shots of a new mural I just painted with my good friend Retna in Los Angeles. We both had a great experience painting this and felt blessed by the positivity we received from the neighborhood. It was created in response to increasing gang violence in LA. Retna's text in English & Spanish attempts to bridge cultural differences. The lettering on the hat reads, "FOR ONLY LOVE CAN CONQUER HATE". The one & only Estevan Oriol also came through and took some cool shots.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great and beautiful work. Very meaningful once you get the concept behind it.
    I'm amazed by your technique, truly impressed by the effect you get (somehow it reminds me to currency notes etchings).
    Thanks for keeping graffiti art like that on the streets!

  3. Amazing..... you guys bring it hard everytime you hook up.

  4. Hey Mac,

    Love the work on this and all of your others! I have been following your work for a few years now and I have always wondered how do you keep your proportions when going so large and stay so photo realistic.

    With my character work I base my proportions off of the eyes, which I typically paint first. I saw a pic on Wooster for The Knight in progress, and it looks like you were working left to right. No overhead projector or grid lines in sight; are you just a genius or is there a practice that you exercise that's you'd be willing to enlighten me with.

    Anyway, you're one of my all time favorite writers, a huge source of artistic inspiration and it'd be great to hear some of your insights and/or tips! I'd be forever grateful!

    Always looking forward to the next Mac piece!

  5. Much like everyone else on earth, I'm madly in love with this.
