March 14, 2009

Italian magazine feature w/ Retna

Attenzione! I have a little interview in the upcoming issue of Groove magazine from Italy, should be out by the end of March


  1. Magnifico! Immortality through art... & recognition in publications the world over aren't a bad thing either. One Life, to the fullest. MAC-PHX-WW.

  2. I was wondering who did this mural of the green woman in the Wynwood district in Miami... I live here and went on a gallery walk a couple weekends ago.. There are a couple of your murals around and I LOVE THEM!!! Your work is so beautiful.


  3. Mac! The piece you did on La Brea threatens to make me crash my car every time I drive by it cuz I can't stop staring! Keep making that amazing work.

  4. I saw your piece on the door in Milan and was spiritually beautiful.
    I hope to see you again in Italy.
    Riccardo, Roma
