December 26, 2008

New stuff..

Here's a shot of a billboard currently up in Phoenix now, right off the 202 freeway. It's an advertisement for local jeweler Oliver Smith using the ink & brush piece I showed a few posts down. I first saw it from a plane window as we were landing at night, super cool spot..
Second thing is another book I have some stuff in, really cool book from Greece called Mural Art: Murals on Huge Public Surfaces Around the World by Kiriakos Iosifidis. Published by Publikat, includes everyone from Os Gemeos to Kent Twitchell to Diego Rivera.

December 10, 2008

New mural in Miami with Retna

Just finished painting this mural with Retna in Miami for Primary Flight/Art Basel. This wall was HUGE. Retna did a great job with all the text.  I would have liked to work a little more on the shading on the boy, but considering the scale & time limits had to let it be. I think we both would have liked to do more, but overall it still came out good. Thanks to Lynn, Chris, Books & Oscar.

December 2, 2008

Art Basel- Miami

Gonna be in Miami this week during Art Basel for Primary Flight '08
Last year was fun, this time might be even better. See you there!

New stuff

Here's some new stuff out with my art in/on it:

Hats by Goorin, from the 1333 Minna line
Little feature in a Korean art magazine called Drip
A piece in an art book called Bella 

I also want to apologize for how bad I've been about getting back to people recently. The amount of stuff to do along with the amount of correspondence gets a little overwhelming sometimes, but I really do appreciate everyone's support & patience. I will do my best to get back to everyone as best I can. Don't even trip.

November 7, 2008

The latest...

After a few months of traveling it's taken a while to readjust to relative normalcy, but I'm finally back in my mode. New studio in the works. A couple big gallery shows coming up next year in LA & SF. Tomorrow marks another year officially on the planet for me... and for the first time in my life I'm actually proud of the president this country picked.
Here are some progress shots of the latest commission piece. More to come...

October 6, 2008

Milan update: Mac & Ret in Italy

Finally back from Europe, and it was a great experience! Here are some shots from Milan, Italy. Both pieces are collaborations with Retna, and I'm really happy with how they turned out. Thanks to Raptuz & Flycat for making it possible..

September 23, 2008

Another Dutch update..

Here are two pieces I just did in Tilburg...based on Rembrandt paintings. Many thanks to Dave & Jordan for everything! I'm now in Milan with Retna painting for "Writing alla Ribalta"

September 16, 2008

Amsterdam update

Here's a panel I just finished painting for Streetlab in Amsterdam- click on the images to see the details, looks better. More on the way...

September 9, 2008


I just got in to Amsterdam earlier today... painting for an event called Streetlab ..I'll post updates when possible! Attached is also a sneak preview of my piece for the show at the Mesa Art Center on friday

September 6, 2008

Recent sketches

Here are some random travel sketches that I like from the last couple weeks...

Montréal: C'est chill for real

I just went to Montreal for Meeting of Styles, had a great time. Here are a few random shots from the trip and two walls I painted there. The background designs on the bottom wall were painted by my girlfriend, Kim. Many thanks to Louis & Yves Laroche Gallery for making it happen!

Things to do in Denver...

Here are some random shots from Denver during the DNC. Many thanks to whoever bought my big "Unity" panel!

August 28, 2008

More Denver

Here's a sneak preview of a mural I worked on a couple days ago with big JHER in Denver. Finished shot soon. Will be in Montreal for the next few days painting for MOS

August 27, 2008

Mural in Denver with Dave Choe

These are some working shots + finished shot of a rooftop mural in downtown Denver I just painted with Dave Choe during the DNC. I like how it came out. Many thanks to FUSE for setting it all up & Choe for adding his robotic hair funk.

Manifest Hope

Just got back from Denver where I was part of the Manifest Hope art show for the Democratic convention. The show will be up until the 28th at the Andenken Gallery. I shared a creepy old victorian house with a few other artists in the show, including Dave Choe, Sam Flores, Date Farmers, Maya Hayuk, Heavyweights, & Ron English. Got to spend some time with most of them and I have to say everyone was really cool. The show looks great, so if you're in the area check it out!

August 7, 2008

New Print- "Tonalli"

Finally have these new prints ready. The first image is a scan of the original artwork, and the second two are photos of one of the prints. It's a five color screenprint with a bit of extra touchups by hand. A little pricier than the last one, but a lot of effort went into producing this. Many thanks go to print-maestro Nick Portalupi in SF for all his help. under "merchandise" for ordering info.

July 30, 2008

Car hood piece in the works

Got started on my piece for an upcoming show at the Mesa Art Center.  Will be showing alongside the legendary Chaz Bojorquez, Mr.Cartoon, Estevan Oriol, Sandow Birk and a few other heavyweights so I will have to do something extra nice! Pictured is the homie ARI VATO graciously lending his expertise.

July 23, 2008

International Obamania

Here are two different news magazines out now featuring the Obama artwork I did earlier this year. Japan & France know what's up.