August 28, 2008

More Denver

Here's a sneak preview of a mural I worked on a couple days ago with big JHER in Denver. Finished shot soon. Will be in Montreal for the next few days painting for MOS

August 27, 2008

Mural in Denver with Dave Choe

These are some working shots + finished shot of a rooftop mural in downtown Denver I just painted with Dave Choe during the DNC. I like how it came out. Many thanks to FUSE for setting it all up & Choe for adding his robotic hair funk.

Manifest Hope

Just got back from Denver where I was part of the Manifest Hope art show for the Democratic convention. The show will be up until the 28th at the Andenken Gallery. I shared a creepy old victorian house with a few other artists in the show, including Dave Choe, Sam Flores, Date Farmers, Maya Hayuk, Heavyweights, & Ron English. Got to spend some time with most of them and I have to say everyone was really cool. The show looks great, so if you're in the area check it out!

August 7, 2008

New Print- "Tonalli"

Finally have these new prints ready. The first image is a scan of the original artwork, and the second two are photos of one of the prints. It's a five color screenprint with a bit of extra touchups by hand. A little pricier than the last one, but a lot of effort went into producing this. Many thanks go to print-maestro Nick Portalupi in SF for all his help. under "merchandise" for ordering info.